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Urban Future

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Quick facts

Based in Graz, Austria

Network of 50, 000 Change Makers

Goal:  create  more  sustainable  cities. Host of Europe’ s largest event for

Urban Sustainability SDG’ s Goal 11 , 13 , 15

makers by organizing urban sustainability events. The global community of Urban

Future has more than 50, 000 City Changers and 200+ organizations.

Urban Future consists  of  three  parts:  the  community, virtual events, and live events. All of them are targeted towards collectively making cities more sustainable.

How does the organization address societal challenges in an innovative way?

Next to their virtual and in- person events, Urban Future also has an online content and community platform that provides actionable knowledge on how to make cities more sustainable. Through the website City Changers. org practitioners and interested citizens can f ind the answers to “ how to” drive the change through best practice examples and advice from experts.

What societal benefit does the organization create?

Through their events as well as their knowledge exchange platform, urban Future connects people who are passionate about improving the live in their cities. This way they act as a catalyst for urban change which will ultimately create a better life for all city’ s inhabitants.

What new urban trades are created in the project?

This organization gives people the platform to collectively work on improving urban areas. By doing so new urban trades can be created during the process. However, Urban Future is not actively responsible for creating new urban trades.

What makes the organization particularly interesting as an example? Urban Future was founded as an initiative of passionate citizens who cared to improve their neighborhood. Thus, it has been in the organizations DNA to unite people for action. By showing how to act now Urban Future is contributing to driving the transition process towards sustainable cities forwa

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